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6 smart gardening tools that bring plants and technology together

by | Mar 15, 2021


Whether you have a green or a black thumb, smart technology can help you achieve the garden of your dreams and help you grow fresh produce year-round. Whether you have a small indoor garden or want to enhance a big outdoor vegetable patch, smart gardening tools from garden planters to automatic lawn mowers can help you increase your production yields without all the hard work.

Smart gardening brings technology to your garden.

Smart gardening for indoors

If you live in an apartment, condo, or another residence without a yard, you can still garden using smart gardening tools made just for kitchen or indoor gardens. And even if you do have outdoor space, an indoor smart garden can help you grow fresh produce year-round.

Smart gardens

Hydroponic gardening has been around for a while now, and these smart gardens work great indoors. With nutrient-rich water and automatic grow lights, smart gardens are easy to use and grow food in a fraction of the time it might take outdoors. These smart tools will notify you when they need more water or plant food; all you have to do is enjoy the fruits (or vegetables) of their labor.

Smart gardens come in all shapes and sizes, so depending on the size of your kitchen, there’s likely an option that will work for you. Some smart gardens come with apps that allow you to monitor your mini-crops, while others come with AI assistants that let you know when produce is ready to be picked. Still others connect to WiFi or are smart assistant enabled.

Plant monitors for smart gardening

Are your plants getting enough water? How is the quality of your soil? A plant monitor is a smart gardening tool that can help you track these important factors and keep your plants healthy. Smart plant monitors reference databases to determine the needs of the specific plants you pair them with. With a companion app, these smart gardening tools will notify you if your plant needs more water, less light, or something else in order to thrive. Certain smart plant monitors can also transition from indoors to outdoors for multipurpose use.

Smart plant pots

Much like smart gardens and smart plant monitors, plant pots can be smart too. These smart gardening tools help communicate plant needs to you, indicating when a plant may be getting too much or not enough light or water. Some even have expressions, turning your plant into a virtual pet. Many smart planters are even self-watering, so you no longer have to worry about watering schedules.

Grow lights for smart gardening

One easy way to incorporate smart gardening tools in your indoor garden is to use grow lights on a smart plug or timer to make sure your plants get optimum light, even during the dark winter months. Or you can buy a smart light system that comes with an app so you can monitor your lights remotely and optimize lighting for specific plants.

When it comes to your sprinklers, you can use smart technology to water your lawn

Smart gardening for outdoors

When it comes to outdoor spaces, smart gardening tools can make your yard work and gardening tasks much easier.

Smart sprinklers

Ensure your garden is getting the right amount of moisture with smart sprinklers. These smart gardening tools can connect to a garden hose or integrate with the sprinkler system you already have installed. Still others require a new installation. Smart sprinkler systems can help you save water and control schedules from your smartphone. These smart gardening tools even monitor weather patterns, so your lawn or garden doesn’t get watered twice when it rains.

You can use an app to control your robot lawn mower

Smart lawn mowers

You’ve heard of robot vacuums. Now, get ready for robot mowers. Much like a WiFi-enabled vacuum cleaner, smart lawn mowers will tend your lawn automatically according to schedules you create. These smart gardening tools are battery-powered and have adjustable blades so you can cut your lawn to your desired height. And many come with an app, so you can manage the mowing schedule from your phone.

Smart weeders

For longtime gardeners with big vegetable patches, smart weeders might be the most exciting smart gardening tool of all. Smart weeders use different techniques to get rid of weeds, from churning up soil to disturb weeds or extremely targeted herbicide application. They can live in your garden all season long, using solar power and withstanding inclement conditions, all while you control them from your smartphone.

Get growing

To power your smart garden, you need to have a strong WiFi signal to broadcast to your smart gardening tools. Keep in mind that every smart device you connect to your internet will impact your bandwidth and internet speeds, so get the most out of your setup by investing in fiber internet. Fiber internet is fast, reliable, and can handle multiple devices without a significant impact on your bandwidth. See if CenturyLink Fiber Internet is available near you.

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<a href="https://discover.centurylink.com/author/kirstenqueen" target="_self">Kirsten Queen</a>

Kirsten Queen


Kirsten Queen is the Senior Content Marketing Manager for CenturyLink and Quantum Fiber. Since she started writing professionally, Kirsten has dabbled in nonprofit grant writing and communications, social media marketing, and now writes content about life with technology. In her free time, Kirsten likes to cook, garden, and hike in the mountains of Colorado. Her name rhymes with first, not cheer.