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Internet privacy: How to keep kids safe online

Internet privacy: How to keep kids safe online

We all know the internet can be a scary place. But while most adults know how to stay safe while browsing, kids don’t know about all the dangers hiding behind the click of a button. According to, 70% of kids encounter sexual or violent content online...

How do password managers work?

How do password managers work?

Did you know that people who don’t use a password manager are three times more likely to experience identity theft than those who properly use one? According to, one in every five internet users in the U.S. trusts a password manager to keep their...

What is a good internet speed?

What is a good internet speed?

The average person spends about 8 hours actively online every day, not including passive activities like streaming music or TV in the background. However, not everyone spends that much time online. Some people prefer to spend their time outdoors instead of browsing...

How to stream music and the internet speed you’ll need to do it

How to stream music and the internet speed you’ll need to do it

The days of CD players and cassette tapes are over—although it seems vinyl is making a comeback. Now, most people stream their favorite tunes directly from the internet. On average, Americans stream about 75 minutes of music a day. Whether you use music to wind down,...

Tips for buying and setting up a prebuilt PC

Tips for buying and setting up a prebuilt PC

If you’re intimidated by purchasing your first PC, you’re not alone. Gaming PCs have a reputation for being complicated and difficult to set up. However, getting your hands on your dream PC isn’t as difficult as you might think. While some people prefer to build their...

How to transfer data between a cellphone and laptop

How to transfer data between a cellphone and laptop

Whether your phone is on its last leg or you’re looking to upgrade to the latest device, experts recommend you replace your mobile phone every two to three years. But what happens once you get a new phone and need to transfer your data? Luckily, transferring data to a...

Staying safe and avoiding scams on dating apps

Staying safe and avoiding scams on dating apps

In 2021, over 300 million people worldwide used dating apps to find love and connection, with about 20 million paying for premium features. Sadly, 24,000 Americans fell victim to a romance scam that year, losing a total of 1 billion dollars collectively to scammers....

6 VR accessories for immersive gaming

6 VR accessories for immersive gaming

Virtual reality is expected to become mainstream in the next 3 to 4 years. In fact, 80% of manufacturers believe it’s just a matter of time before VR hits the mainstream and becomes as common as a cellphone. Whether you already have a VR setup or are planning to...

Tech trends to look out for in 2023

Tech trends to look out for in 2023

We all know technology is evolving quickly, revolutionizing the world around us. Since the launch of the U.S. Patent Office during the Industrial Revolution, over 9 million patents have been granted to American businesses and inventors. Advances in technology can be...

Snagging the perfect out of stock Christmas gifts

Snagging the perfect out of stock Christmas gifts

For months, you’ve had the perfect Christmas gift for your partner picked out. But when you go online to order it, disaster strikes . . . The store is out of stock! But don’t panic yet, because you have a couple of options. You can frantically find something similar...

Our picks for the best tech gadgets 2022

Our picks for the best tech gadgets 2022

As we head into the new year, it’s important to look back on everything that we accomplished. Whether it’s a promotion at work, a new bundle of joy in the family, or a personal goal reached, no achievement is too big or too small to celebrate. That’s why CenturyLink...

How to troubleshoot a CenturyLink outage

How to troubleshoot a CenturyLink outage

In a recent report by Climate Central, it was shown that power outages in the past 10 years have increased by 64% compared with the previous decade. From 2000 to 2021, 83% of reported power outages were caused by a weather-related event. These ranged from wildfires to...